Introduction to National Vegetation Classification


Day 1: Morning: lectures/group discussion; part-field observation
Understanding Scottish habitats,
● Background to NVC
● Keys to identification of woodlands, mires, heaths and grasslands
● Key methods for quadrats
Ecological requirements – habitats ·
● Survey techniques and interpretation of quadrat data ·
● Different vegetation types and key species ·
● Topography, common species and habitats
● Plant identification and species indicators for vegetation communities
Afternoon: field excursion
Plant indicators for habitat identification

Day 2 Workshop and Field Day
Key methods for data collation, quadrats
Field - key plants and vegetation communities.

This is likely to include a few of the most common but also most interesting plants and communities in the areas visited. We will focus on major plant characteristics, differences for major plant groups including vascular plants, common rushes and sedges. Incidental observation and awareness for other species e.g. introduced species. Late afternoon – summing up and close

Lectures/group discussion; part-field observation
Understanding Scottish species and habitats,
● Plant characteristics and relationship to vegetation communities
● NVC identification keys,
● Key species and associations
● Quadrat methods and analysis of data, floristic tables
● Data tables and interpretation

This is likely to include a few of the most common vegetation communities but also most interesting species and their habitats in the areas visited. We will focus on common species and plants associated with these communities. Incidental observation and awareness for other species e.g. introduced species.

Who Should Attend?

Students, graduate botanists and interested ecologists.

Knowledge Level

Beginner - Intermediate

Prior Knowledge

Use of keys.

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the key characteristics of different types of vegetation communities
  • Use manuals and keys to identify vegetation communities
  • Identify 5 vegetation communities (not including sub-communities)
  • Identify 20 vascular plants and associate species which help distinguish vegetation communities.


Tickets Person(s) Price (£)
CIEEM Member Ticket 1 £245.00
Non Member Ticket 1 £385.00